How to promote affiliate links and drive traffic that converts


Affiliate marketing programs generated 2.3 billion dollars in revenue in 2021 alone. That's more than all other forms of internet marketing campaigns combined.

Even though affiliate marketing is a proven way to make money online, it's also a very competitive industry. Before we discuss the finer points, let's look at the basic rules for affiliate marketing efforts:

  • Concentrate on one niche affiliate business.

  • Understand your target audience.

  • Don't spam.

  • Ask the people who run the affiliate program for advice.

  • Join an affiliate network.

  • Stay current with trends.

  • Use powerful tracking tools.

If you already understand the basic, fundamental principles of affiliate marketing strategies, then you will be able to create an effective strategy for yourself.

Next, let's talk about the most crucial part of promoting affiliate links: traffic.

How to drive traffic that converts

Affiliate marketing programs have a wide range of conversion rates. Some affiliates have rates of 90% or even higher. But other affiliates struggle to achieve just 5%, which means they may have a problem driving organic traffic.

One common reason why people fail at affiliate marketing is they try to sell too many things. Another reason is they don't pay attention to traffic.

Every business needs traffic. So how do you drive traffic that converts? There are a few main strategies you can employ.

Focus on valuable content

Content marketers should not come across like a salesperson trying to sell something on a daily basis. Instead, you should give your audience something of real value.

From email courses to social media posts, valuable content is king.

The ideal content facilitates problem-solving or provides information on new skills.

For example, let's say you're selling a standing desk. Your audience may consist of users who are working from home and experiencing back pain due to an improper work setup.

Instead of spamming people with 30-second videos with direct linking every single hour, you could create a longer video called "How to Create a Healthy Home Workplace."

You could talk about why replacing your old desk with an ergonomic standing table helps you be more productive while reducing back pain from sitting all the time. In addition, you can talk about its sleek design or quality materials.

Overall, be very clear about the product's benefit. People appreciate authenticity, especially on social media platforms. So be smart with your content strategy.

Know your niche

Your ideal user represents the person who buys your product or service most often.

Case in point: say you're selling baby diapers, but your ideal customers are busy moms. Instead of targeting all parents, you should focus on finding moms who have babies younger than six months old.

These moms are probably juggling many different tasks at once. Therefore, they need a diaper solution that works well under their circumstances.

Please note that your niche doesn't require specialization. Many companies have multiple niches; we have previously discussed how you can enter into multiple markets. Within each niche, however, you should make sure you have a strong focus on a specific group.

Audit your SEO strategy

Ideally, your SEO strategy should be renewed regularly. This means that you should always be analyzing what keywords are bringing in the most traffic, which pages are ranking high, etc. Consider using tools such as Google Analytics or Google Ads Keyword Planner.

Google Ads Keyword Planner can tell you if your website has been indexed properly, where your keywords rank, and whether you've been using the right tags. Once you know what needs improvement, take action!

Show off customer testimonials

People buy from brands they trust. So when you show off positive customer feedback, you're building trust. Regularly sharing honest reviews from happy customers will also increase your followers.

Adjust the channel to the audience

Social media is one of the most powerful tools, but it doesn't mean that every marketer needs to use every single social network out there. If you want to reach your target audience, you need to know the effective tools for your brand.

Three platforms dominate the market: TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook:

  • TikTok is undoubtedly one of the most powerful social media platforms, with 1 billion monthly active users ranging from 13 to 60 years old. If you had to choose one platform, pick TikTok.

  • Facebook is a massive social network whose audience skews older than other networks. About half of its users are 25 years old or older.

  • Instagram has over 1.3 billion monthly active users, ranging from 18 to 35 years old. Instagram is ideal for niche marketing.

This is only a small sampling of the various platforms available. Each one has its own unique audience. It would be best to focus on one platform first before moving on to another. You can always add more later.

So, where else can you promote your affiliate marketing products?

Most popular ways to promote your program and links

Email marketing campaigns

If you're thinking about sending out a mass amount of emails, here are some tips to help you avoid spamming:

1) Use a bulk email service

If you want to send a large number of emails to your subscribers, you'll probably need to use a bulk email service. They usually charge per email sent, but they offer discounts for larger groups.

2) Keep your emails short & sweet

Nobody reads long emails. MailChimp found that most individuals scan emails rather than read them. Try to include just enough information to entice your readers to open your email.

3) Be consistent

Your subscribers might think they've signed up for your mailing list, but you could lose credibility if you start sending out emails that don't match your brand. Also, don't send out promotional emails every single day. Instead, try to stick to weekly or monthly newsletters.

Video product tutorials

One of the most effective types of affiliate endorsements is video product tutorials by influencers. They are great because they provide an overview of the product in a fun, relatable, and creative way.

How to create an effective video tutorial:

  • Answer "how to" questions in the video.

  • Show possible situations from the user's point of view.

  • List potential pros and cons.

  • During the video, mention a coupon code.

  • Write your affiliate link in the description.

  • List the features that competing products don't have.

When it comes to making video content, it is wise to invest in high-quality tools and software. Your videos will look much more appealing when you have a good camera, microphone, lighting, and editing software. For more information on running affiliate marketing on platforms like YouTube, make sure to read our dedicated blog post.

Roundup posts or resource pages

A roundup post or resource page is a great way to generate traffic and build relationships with your audience.

For example, you might write a roundup post called "10 Best Social Media Management Tools." This type of post helps increase your reach because users are likely to see it and follow the links to learn more about each tool.

The key to creating a successful roundup post or resource page lies in how well you curate the list of items. If you don't include enough relevant information, your audience won't find it useful. But if you include too much, it could turn off potential users.

To avoid this problem, start by writing out a list of items that you want to include. Then make sure that each item provides real value to your readers. Give them something useful without overwhelming them.

Once you've written down your list, go ahead and add some affiliate links to the post.

WhatsApp and Telegram groups

There are many WhatsApp and Telegram groups where members can share information about events, news, and product launches. These groups are very useful if you are looking for information about certain topics.

Nevertheless, if you want to get the most out of WhatsApp groups, there are a few guidelines you absolutely need to stick to:

1) Don't spam

You might think it'd be great to boost engagement by sending out messages every day telling everyone what you're doing. But if you do, you'll quickly find yourself banned from the group. Spamming isn't allowed because it makes other group members feel like you don't care about their opinions. Instead, in these kinds of groups, make impactful posts with genuine announcements or information, and these will be the ones people will pay attention to rather than muting.

2) Keep things positive

Don't post negative comments about other brands or competitors. It doesn't benefit anyone. Plus, it could get you into trouble with the brand's company.

Channels to promote affiliate links that you probably don't know about

There are other ways to promote affiliate links besides the ones mentioned above. Some of these methods may not be as popular as others, but they all have their benefits.


The best way for podcasters to use affiliates in their content is not just to tell listeners about them. Instead, create an engaging conversation around the topic at hand.

For example, if your podcast is about literature and you're selling a new crime-thriller book, you can engage your audience by talking about the lead character's motivation, how the audience can relate to them, and so on. Charm your listeners through the power of words!

Pro-tip: After listening to a podcast, people often visit the associated website, so make sure you include a clear CTA (call to action) that takes them straight there, so you can continue to track that journey.

(Psst: don't miss our very own podcasts on the fields of browser fingerprinting and avoiding account bans!).


Why does Pinterest matter? Because it's where people go to find visual inspiration.

You know those pins that look like photos, but aren't really? They're called visual searches. These are the ones people use to find things like recipes, DIY projects, home decor ideas, and other favorite products.

In fact, Pinterest, depending on the stats, is the second or third most used search engine after Google. People use it to find what they want to buy, what they want to do next, and what they want to make.

So, if you're looking for ways to improve your brand, grow your audience, or generate more traffic to your blog content or website, you should start posting on Pinterest.

Slack groups

Join a Slack group if you want to discuss topics related to your work, hobbies, interests, or anything else. Find a relevant Slack group and join it, and then contribute to the community there. Then, use an Amazon affiliate link or other affiliate links in your posts or comments.

Affiliate marketing is not passive income

Affiliate marketing requires hard work, dedication, and effective digital marketing. You will not be rich overnight. However, the best thing about affiliate marketing is that it allows anyone to start earning money today.

If you want to generate money through affiliate marketing, running many accounts at once is an absolute necessity. However, due to the fact that platforms are able to identify several accounts, this comes with a few risks, which you will need to safeguard yourself against.

In this situation, Multilogin is a secret weapon, whether you are a new or advanced affiliate marketer. This tool enables you to run multiple affiliate marketing accounts without being detected.

For more info, check out our affiliate marketing page. Contact us to learn more about how Multilogin can help you promote affiliate links and drive traffic that converts.

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